• Pandemic Teacher Support Group

    Pandemic Teacher Support Group

    A support group where teachers can share frustrations, worries, feelings and ideas in a warm and supportive, judgment free environment.

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  • Pandemic Parent Support Group

    Pandemic Parent Support Group

    Times are tough for parents right now. With school just weeks away, parents are having to make tough decisions. Working from home or is it living at work? How to make the commute work? Remote, hybrid, homeschool, masks, shields, pods, six feet, ventilation, rapid tests, A/B, AM/PM, staggered drop offs, socially distanced playdates, bubbles? One…

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  • What Does Boredom Do?

    What Does Boredom Do?

    What is boredom and is it worth paying attention to? Isn’t boredom just wanting more stimulation and excitement? Well, yes and no. According to this New Yorker article, it may be worth noticing the next time you are bored. Often when we aren’t distracted, we can really examine what’s really going on in ourselves and…

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  • Stress Resets & Strategies

    Stress Resets & Strategies

    This New York Times article has some useful tips for self-soothing in times of distress. With COVID, we are in the middle of an emotional marathon, but some of these strategies will work when everyday life is back to normal. Here are some key takeaways.

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