• Is Social Media Use Dangerous?

    Is Social Media Use Dangerous?

    This is a question we get asked a lot. As any parent knows, it’s a complicated question with no simple answer. Here with some ideas on the subject is ADDitude, a go-to resource for parents of neurodivergent kids. The key takeaways here are that for neurodivergent and typical kids alike content and context matter. This…

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  • Negative Emotions not so Negative

    Negative Emotions not so Negative

    In this Psychology Today piece, Dr. Alex Wills is making one of our favorite points that negative emotions get a bad rap. Instead of trying to fix or dismiss difficult feelings, naming them and learning to tolerate them can provide the validation that actually helps us to move on sooner.

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  • PPG is Moving to New Location!

    PPG is Moving to New Location!

    We are excited to announce that due to our continued local growth and expansion, we will be welcoming clients at 400 King Street in Chappaqua on February 1st. The new location features more dedicated treatment space for children as well as adults and couples and allows us to expand our increasing array of psychological services.…

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  • “I’m Normal” and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

    “I’m Normal” and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

    This article in Psychology Today called “’I’m Normal’ and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves” points out that, while we feel normal to ourselves, we often project what it’s like to be us onto other people. It’s an interesting read with relevance in today’s social backdrop, and we recommend you check it out. Key takeaways include:…

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  • How to Ease Back Into Social Contact

    How to Ease Back Into Social Contact

    This Psychology Today article is called “How to Ease Back Into Social Contact” and we think it may be helpful for, well, all of us. Most of our interaction this past year has been over zoom, and aside from the occasional bubble, we’ve all had very little contact with other people. Some key takeaways and…

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  • Getting Out of Your Own Way

    Getting Out of Your Own Way

    This Psychology Today article is called “Getting Out of Your Own Way: Bias and Self Defeating Actions.” Research shows the self-criticism is rarely, if ever, an effective way to change behavior. What’s a good alternative then for when you fall short of your goals and standards? This article would argue self-compassion. Key takeaways include: Foster…

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  • Try These 3 Self-Compassion Tips

    Try These 3 Self-Compassion Tips

    This Psychology Today article is called “Painfully Self-Critical? Try These 3 Self-Compassion Tips.” Self-compassion, or positive affirming self-talk to use we fall short of our goals, is an incredibly therapeutic tool to have in our repertory. Still, it’s one thing to want to be self-compassionate, it’s another to build it into practice. This article goes…

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  • The Rise of “Therapy-Speak”

    The Rise of “Therapy-Speak”

    We recommend this New Yorker article called “The Rise of Therapy-Speak.” As psychotherapy becomes less stigmatized, more people go to therapy, and more people incorporate the language of therapy into their day-to-day lives. We think that’s great! But there may be a downside to the rise of therapy-speak as well. When everyone is an expert,…

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  • 5 Unofficial Varieties of Depression

    5 Unofficial Varieties of Depression

    It’s not uncommon for people to experience several symptoms of depression, while not wanting to label themselves depressed. But as this Psychology Today article points out, sometimes depression doesn’t always look the way we think it should. Whatever kind of pain you are in, it deserves to be acknowledged and taken seriously. Our highly trained…

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  • Faced With A Tough Decision?  Mindset is Key

    Faced With A Tough Decision? Mindset is Key

    Tough decisions are, well, tough. What makes them especially tough is when the two choices seem to be even. This NPR article details what to do when faced with a tough decision, when and how to trust your gut, and how to implement a decision once you’ve decided what to do.

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