Pandemic Parent Support Group

Times are tough for parents right now. With school just weeks away, parents are having to make tough decisions. Working from home or is it living at work? How to make the commute work? Remote, hybrid, homeschool, masks, shields, pods, six feet, ventilation, rapid tests, A/B, AM/PM, staggered drop offs, socially distanced playdates, bubbles? One year ago, this vocabulary would have sounded alien to all of us. Now we’re living it and anxiety levels have increased for parents and children alike. The very concepts of home, work and school have turned upside down. Join us for an 8-week support group where parents can share frustrations, worries, feelings and ideas in a warm and supportive, judgment free environment. Learn coping strategies, self-care tools, and get parenting guidance and resources from group facilitators, Marisa Picheny and Emily Bly.

When? Tuesdays at 8pm, September 8th – October 27th
Where? Google Meet
Cost? $240 for full 8-weeks. Space is limited to 12 participants.

Click Here to Enroll