Why Kids With ADHD Are Struggling to Sleep and What Parents Can Do About It
Anyone else feel like sleep is a constant battle? Especially when you’re dealing with ADHD in your family? I recently chatted with Parents.com about this very topic, and we covered some seriously helpful tips. We talked about everything from creating a calm bedtime environment to understanding the link between ADHD and sleep problems. If you’re…
The Benefits of Audio Players for Kids
Recently, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Huff Post for an article close to my heart as a parent as well as family therapist. With all of the research around the association between screen interaction and executive functioning problems, lower cognitive abilities, problems related to short-term memory and language development, what kid wouldn’t…
New Support Group for Parents of Kids with ADHD
Are you a parent of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Do you often feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure about how to best support your child’s needs? You are not alone. We understand that parenting a child with ADHD can be challenging. That’s why we have started a support group just for parents…
Children’s Tantrums and What To Do About Them
Kids, and sometimes even adults, have tantrums. They are unpleasant to witness, and often even more unpleasant to experience firsthand. But why do they happen, and what should you as a parent do when they occur? Here is a New York Times article talking about just that. The key to managing tantrums? Try to nip…
Benefits of Baby Small Talk
We recommend this New York Times article called “Making Awkward Small Talk With My Baby.” Sometimes we are at a loss for words when we interact with our new children, and that’s okay. But according to this article, narrating the outside world to your child has some clear benefits.
Parenting the Fortnite Addict
This New York Times article is called “Parenting the Fortnite Addict” but it’s really about how to parent your children when they are engaging in activities you might not fully relate to. The 1950s rock n’ roll confused parents and made them worried. Now, in the 2010s, we have video games. Is there a downside…
Reading Aloud to Kids May Improve Behavior and Attention
If you are wondering how you might improve your child’s focus, we recommend taking a look at this New York Times article called “Reading Aloud to Young Children Has Benefits for Behavior and Attention.” The article talks about a recent psychological study that followed 675 families, asking half of the families to read to their…