News and Events

  • Pandemic Parent Support Group

    Pandemic Parent Support Group

    Times are tough for parents right now. With school just weeks away, parents are having to make tough decisions. Working from home or is it living at work? How to make the commute work? Remote, hybrid, homeschool, masks, shields, pods, six feet, ventilation, rapid tests, A/B, AM/PM, staggered drop offs, socially distanced playdates, bubbles? One…

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  • What Does Boredom Do?

    What Does Boredom Do?

    What is boredom and is it worth paying attention to? Isn’t boredom just wanting more stimulation and excitement? Well, yes and no. According to this New Yorker article, it may be worth noticing the next time you are bored. Often when we aren’t distracted, we can really examine what’s really going on in ourselves and…

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  • Stress Resets & Strategies

    Stress Resets & Strategies

    This New York Times article has some useful tips for self-soothing in times of distress. With COVID, we are in the middle of an emotional marathon, but some of these strategies will work when everyday life is back to normal. Here are some key takeaways.

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  • “Talking Tweens” Presentation

    “Talking Tweens” Presentation

    The “tweenage” years (ranging from 8 to 12) can be an awkward and challenging time for your tween as they navigate growing independence along with physical, emotional and social changes. And from the parental perspective, it can be rewarding but also challenging and more than a little frustrating. Is my child a little or big…

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  • Increase Your Emotional Vocabulary

    Increase Your Emotional Vocabulary

    Sometimes it’s hard to identify and communicate how we’re feeling.  Lucky for us, the English language is brimming with emotion vocabulary. If you’re at a loss for the right word to describe your feels, we recommend the website Emotion Typology: one of our psychology geek favorites!

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  • Benefits of Baby Small Talk

    Benefits of Baby Small Talk

    We recommend this New York Times article called “Making Awkward Small Talk With My Baby.” Sometimes we are at a loss for words when we interact with our new children, and that’s okay. But according to this article, narrating the outside world to your child has some clear benefits.

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  • “The Difference Between Worry, Stress and Anxiety”

    “The Difference Between Worry, Stress and Anxiety”

    February 2020 — This New York Times article deftly outlines the differences between worry, stress and anxiety and provides useful tips for managing all three. Whatever might be weighing on your mind, we here at PPG can help.

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  • Can Brain Science Help Us Break Bad Habits?

    Can Brain Science Help Us Break Bad Habits?

    Thinking of New Year’s Resolutions? You might want to read this New Yorker article called “Can Brain Science Help Us Break Bad Habits?” A thought provoking read, the author lays out the argument that because so many habits are formed unconsciously, relying on will power is all but useless. The key is in developing strategies…

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  • This Is What Couples Therapy Can Actually Solve

    This Is What Couples Therapy Can Actually Solve

    This GQ article provides a nice outline of what to expect from couples therapy and makes the excellent point that the sooner you begin, the better. Couples often wait until the relationship is in critical condition but using couples therapy proactively can give you the tools you need to head trouble off at the pass.

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  • Marriage Therapists Who Follow Their Own Advice

    Marriage Therapists Who Follow Their Own Advice

    This New York Times article is called “Marriage Therapists Who Follow Their Own Advice.” It follows John and Julie Gottman, two psychologists who are married and who together created the Gottman method of couple’s therapy which we use here at PPG. As an evidence based approach marriage counseling that is backed by decades of data,…

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